Comparing Area with Tangrams: Warmup Problem

Part 1.  Each of the 4 triangles pictured here is a right triangle.  Each triangle has a side 3 cm long and a side 6 cm long.  The triangles are congruent.


Cut out all four triangles and, using all of them, make a rectangle.  (Remember: a square is a rectangle, so your rectangle can be a square.)



Below are copies of the same congruent right triangles.  Cut out these four triangles and, using all of them, make a rectangle that is not congruent to the rectangle you just made.  (Remember: a square is a rectangle, so your rectangle can be a square.)




Part 2.   Below are two similar triangles.   How much bigger is the area of the triangle on the right than the triangle on the left?  Why do you think so?




Cut out this little shaded triangle and use it to determine whether you are correct in your claim about how much larger the triangle on the right is.